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Practical Spiritually: The Transforming Power of Worship

Worship is more than songs and prayers and sermons (and even announcements!). It's about celebrating the worth and value of the One we worship. It's God's gift to you and me. Worship transforms us in a way that little else can. ...

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Practical Spirituality : The Purpose of Authority

Many are naturally suspicious of authority and have the scars to prove why. But authority is a fundamental principle of the physical and spiritual universe. Sometimes we follow it, sometimes we exercise it. Healthy authority begins with the fifth of God's Ten Commandments -- "Honor your father and your mother". ...

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Fighting a Battle Long Since Finished

What's worse than spending your life struggling in hardship and pain? The answer: When the struggle is completely unnecessary. Wasted tears and sacrifices are the bitterest. Let's fight the battles God intends for us and completely bypass those he has already handled himself. ...

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The Joy of Hilarious Giving

There are two ways to give gifts. Chances are you’ve tried them both. Could it be that we Christians are missing a wonderful opportunity to express our love to God? God is call us to joyful, sacrificial, hilarious giving. Jesus is our inspiration. ...

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You Lost Me: Addressing the Church's Dropout Problem

The church in America has a “dropout problem.” We all see it. Young people, particularly after high school, are ditching church. Droves of the Mosaic (or Millennial) generation are checking out and abandoning the faith....

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The Weight of Things Said and Unsaid

One thing is always true about using words wisely - it’s never easy. All the more reason to make space for silence and loooong pauses. Read Pastor Corrie's article to consider the weight, risks and cost of our words. ...

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Teaching Your Children to Be Christians

Parents need to teach their children how to be a Christian, along with their school subjects....

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Practical Spirituality: The Tie That Binds

Gravity and nuclear forces hold the physical universe together. What holds the spiritual universe together, preventing us from fragmenting into separate specks of spiritual dust? It's Love. But love draws us so close together that bumps and bruises are inevitable. So God gave us lubricants to reduce the friction and heat that would otherwise destroy us as surely as a r...

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Update from our Missionaries in Mexico City

Here is a August Newsletter update from Janise and Tom Kelly, our missionaries serving in Mexico City. They will be visiting Hope Covenant Church, Sunday, September 23. Please continue to keep them in your prayers. ...

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The "Goat Man" and Christian Living

“He’s been spotted out in the dusty wilds of Utah, lurking among the four-hoofed creatures on his hands and knees. He wears a funny suit with horns and a phony beard. And he’s developing a public following. He is… Goatman. And he’s baaaaaaaad...” says John Glionna. Believe it or not, the Goat Man has a thing or two to teach us....

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