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Two Kinds of Churches

Two Types of Churches

As I look out over the church landscape in America, I see two types of churches: those that are changing and those that are dying. That’s it. It’s change or die.

What kind of church is Hope? It’s a constantly changing church. We have created a climate of change around here. We want to move when the winds of God’s Spirit shift. We want to pounce on tomorrow’s opportunity to make an impact for Christ. We want to make to a dent in this dark world like we’ve never ever made before. To do that, we realize we cannot stay the same.We’re not going to slow down or get complacent. There’s a world out there that desperately needs to know Christ. We’ll change and tweak things and do whatever we have to in order to reach one more person for Christ.

As I talk about change, let me remind you of a few things that won’t change around here:

1. Our commitment to relevant Bible teaching. The Bible never needs tweaked. It is God’s Word. Its principles and stories clearly speak to us today.

2. Our commitment to authenticity. No phony-baloney, “faking like we’re perfect people” kind of stuff will be allowed around here. We will major on grace, not legalism. We will focus on relationships, not religion.

3. Our commitment to serving our community in love. We will gladly go out of out way to meet the needs of those around us.

4. Our commitment to bringing people far from God near to God. The lost matter to God and they will always matter to us.

5. Our commitment to do whatever we do with great passion. We will give God our best. My dream is that Hope Covenant Church will become a community of Jesus-like people doing Jesus-like stuff. Glad you’re along with us for this exciting journey. The best is yet to come!


Pastor Duane

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