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2014 Easter Hope


Easter Hope

 Do you know anyone out there whose back is against the wall?

- Anyone crippled by a destructive habit or negative pattern of behavior they can’t over?

- Anyone who’s been damaged by a negative home life?

- Anyone consumed with fear about terrorism or the economy or the future in general?

- Anyone believing their sins or burdens are too big for God to handle?

Jesus said in John 10:10, “A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I have come so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest.”

Satan wants to rob us of life. Jesus came, died, and rose to give us abundant life.

Christ came into the world and He wants to come into every human heart. He wants us to experience life as it was meant to be lived. That’s what Easter is all about – Jesus coming out of a tomb in power and might to set us free, to give us victory. Easter says if God can raise Jesus from the dead, anything is possible.

We’ve seen many lives transformed through this message at Hope Covenant Church. It’s not because of us. It’s because of Jesus. It’s because of the resurrection power available to all people. That’s why we take Easter very seriously around here. Research shows that more lost people are likely to come to church on Easter than any other time of year. Even more surprising is a poll that George Gallup did a few years ago that said 84 percent of people who never go to church, believe that Jesus rose from the dead. What a perfect time to invite them to join us at Hope.

We want many people who are tired of religion and phoniness to end up at Hope, where “NO PERFECT PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED.” This is a place where we are offering the greatest gift of all - a personal relationship with Jesus Christ… an Easter miracle waiting to happen, abundant and eternal life through Christ, and it’s all absolutely free, no strings attached.

Who do you know whose back is against the wall? Would you do them a favor? Start praying for them. Ask God’s Spirit to touch them and melt down their resistance to Him. Invite them to Hope as we begin a new series entitled, “Unleashing Hope.” For seven weeks we will discuss the 11 things that will be unleashed in your life when you have hope.

“And now these three remain: faith, HOPE and love.” I Corinthians 13:3

With Easter Hope,



Pastor Duane

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